Horizon House

Horizon House is the only full-service day center in Central Indiana, serving nearly 3,400 of our homeless neighbors every year. Each day, they see up to 200 of our homeless neighbors in Indianapolis — affirming each person as a valuable community member, offering hospitality, restored dignity and a hopeful future. With an average of over 52,000 visits to the facilities in the last two years, Horizon House provides a holistic approach to empower our neighbors to permanently end their homeless situation.

Horizon House

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Click the map below for directions.


Stuart Hyatt and S+Ca

My creative work is interdisciplinary, collaborative, and incorporates a wide range of media. It is mostly project-based and outcomes-focused, embracing individual narratives and community identity in equal measure to beauty, form, and function. The end products follow rigorous conceptual frameworks yet present themselves through simple and accessible pop and folk aesthetics.

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